
Rheumatology is a sub-specialty in internal medicine and pediatrics, devoted to the diagnosis and therapy of rheumatic diseases. Rheumatologists mainly deal with clinical problems involving joints, soft tissues and allied conditions of connective tissues. The term rheumatology originates from the Greek word rheuma, meaning "that which flows as a river or stream" and the suffix -ology, meaning "the study of."

Rheumatology is a rapidly evolving medical specialty; new scientific discoveries related to this specialty are largely related to better understanding of immunology of these disorders. Pathogenesis of major rheumatological disorders is now described as autoimmune disorders. Immunology explains pathogenesis and the characteristics of rheumatological disorders, and most of the new treatment modalities are based on immunology, better understanding of genetic basis of rheumatological disorders makes rheumatology a specialty rapidly developing as a medical specialty based on new scientific discoveries. New treatment modalities are based on scientific research on immunology, cytokines, T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes and future therapies may be directed more towards gene therapy as well. Currently, practice of rheumatology is largely based on clinical research, evidence based medical treatment of rheumatological disorders has helped patients with rheumatism lead a near normal life without any disabilities. Clinicians who specialize in rheumatology are called Rheumatologists.


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