Build your defenses!
This rainy season, boost your immune system by adding these basic nutrients to your daily diet. In this season, where pouring rains force people to come in closer contact with ailing individuals in enclosed spaces such as malls or public vehicles, and airborne viruses and bacteria are having a heyday floating from one victim to another, the key to good health is a good defense. This will come in a healthy body nourished by these 5 important immunity-building nutrients: Vitamin C. This readily-available nutrient has been found to increase the production of white blood cells and antibodies, the primary function of which is to fight off infections. Foods rich in this important vitamin include citrus fruits, papayas, guavas, and tomatoes. Vitamin E. This vitamin has been receiving a lot of attention lately for its antioxidant properties. It stimulates the production of immune cells that produce antibodies which target and destroy bacteria. Vitamin E is present in nuts, seeds, and vegeta...