Ketoconazole, prescription drug used to treat fungal infections. It works by weakening fungal cell walls, thereby either killing the fungus or stopping its growth. Ketoconazole is also used to treat prostate cancer because it suppresses the production of testosterone, a hormone necessary for prostate cancer cell survival. Ketoconazole is available as a tablet, cream, or shampoo. Patients using the drug in tablet form take 200 to 400 mg once a day for fungal infections and 400 mg three times a day for prostate cancer. The drug should be taken with food for better absorption and to avoid stomach irritation. It must be taken for two to four weeks before a physician can evaluate its effectiveness as an antifungal agent. A cure may require many months of treatment. Common side effects of ketoconazole include reduced testosterone production (which may impair sexual function in males), skin irritation and rash, headache, nausea, diarrhea, and liver problems. Pregnant and nursing women, patien...